We all know at least one person that ducks from responsibility, or runs the other way when things seems to get heated or hard. It is like they are afraid of it, as if it wold bite, or that it is out of their comfort zone. They are most likely to be the ones abandoning a sinking ship, just to save themselves. Not because they are selfish, but just that they are so afraid of the hard work both physically and mentally that comes with sticking around when the route hits a bump (and in this case starts to sink,) so they leave as fast as possible and try to find something new to hold on to, until that has issues and so on. These people are not reliable and after a while they will have to ether move completely or find other ways to cope. But since it is so deeply rooted, it might be hard to change course, if they even want to.
Problem is that these people are besides getting on other peoples nervs, digging their own grave. How is that possible? Well, you see, since it is almost humanly impossible to change the course taken, they will soon leave a trail of hurt behind them. There will be harder to gain trust from others and in the long run nobody will give that person anything that needs to be done. When you do not get challenged by people around you, because you run from that you cannot grow as a person. When you stop growing personally you will continue to hide from hardships and tough things, that will lead to a deeper insecurity and more avoiding tasks of any kind. In the end you will be a very good marathon runner but a lousy person to have any kind of contact with, since you do anything to avoid any kind of conflict. But there is help if you want it. People around you will help if you are willing to take the risk of actually face some hardship and grow.
Jonah tried to duck a hard responsibility. But after a huge storm almost sank the boat he tried to escape on, he faced the responsibilities and did what was asked of him. If you want to know more about that and the rest of the story look it up in a bible, or google it.
God bless!
Life is one of those strange things that happens when we are cought up doing other things. Sometimes it happens to startle us by sneaking up on us and then out of the blue just attack! It is like: Hello! Remember me? I am your life and I just want to remind you that I exist….. Well at least I think that this is what it could be like, if it happened to me. I try to keep myself updated on my life. I try to live my life, since I am the only one that can. Everybody else will just mess it up. I have an obligation to live my life as good as I can, with the tools given to me. I know I will have to answer personally when I meet my maker. He will hold me personally responsible for my life. So if I let others run my life for me, I have made the move that will show how I have used the gift that is called life. I cannot blame anyone else, for me not living my life. “As water reflects the face,
so one’s life reflects the heart.”Proverbs 27:19
God bless
by Lady BirgithaSo last Friday I did my first press meeting and guided tour at the huge trade show called Nolia. I got to hear the history and visions and the highlights of things that was to be displayed. This is how big this is: Tesla not only displayed the two latest cars, they even let you test drive them! The caravan company Adria´s latest models always gets displayed fully functioning at Nolia! So if you want to see them first this is the place to be!
The other really cool thing here is that they have lot of good, healthy and fun things for the kids as well. Anything from arts and crafts, to pony rides and playgrounds. If you like, you can also leave your kid at the day care for a few hours and go strolling around by your self. There are also kids shows on the big stage that this year is indoors. Then there is food, candy and all things in between! We even had Star Wars there!
In all this, is there a place for God? Yes, there is! Here of all places He had two places that represented Him. I only had the possibility to take photos at one of them.
Nolia 2017 by Jenny Crosby, Spectrum Photography
Nolia 2017 by Jenny Crosby, Spectrum Photography
Nolia 2017 by Jenny Crosby, Spectrum Photography
I have no idea why I am so tired today. Might have been the heat outside. Yes heat, might not be the heat you think of, but for the northern parts of Sweden it was hot. The sunset today was just nice. To bad I did not have a chance to catch it on camera. I was to busy loading the washing machines in the laundry room. So right now I am just waiting for the laundry to be done, so I can kick back in bed with a tea cup and watch some TV with my husband.
This has been one of those days that just breathes peace. The peace that God gives. John 14:27, Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. That is how I feel after this day, even though I am tired, but I feel so peaceful. I pray that all you all can feel the same as I do right now.
God bless
Lady Birgitha